(For a man): Take off all the stitched garments to have a bath as you would do after sexual intercourse and perfume your head and beard with the best oil you can find –there is no harm in what remains of it after Ihram. Don’t perfume the Ihram garments.
Wear yourself from below the chest with white fabric (izar) and drape another piece over your two shoulders (ridaa) except in every Tawaaf, the right shoulder should be exposed.
(For a woman): Ihram is her customary stitched garments. She avoids wearing perfume or the type of dress which attracts attention. She isn’t abiden by a certain color. Pray the prescribed prayer if its stated time is on. And then offer two Rakats (Units) of prayer as a Sunnah act of Ihram. (There is no harm if you don’t pray it).
Then if you ride the car, intend the Nusuk and then say according to your Nusuk:
1- If you want to perform Umrah only, you say: “Labbaika Umrah” which means: I intend to perform Umrah”.
2- If you want to perform Hajj only (Ifrad) you say: “Labbaika Hajjan”. Which means: “I intend to perform Hajj”.
3- If you want to perform Hajj and Umrah together in their actions, you say: “Labbaika Omratan Mutamattean biha ilal-Hajj” which means: “I intend to perform Hajj and Umrah”.
4- If you want to perform Hajj and Umrah in the actions of Hajj (Qiran), you say: “Labbaika Omratan wa Hajjan”. There is no need to repeat these utterences three times but only one time is enough.
1. Each Nusuk (type) has its own benefit.
2. There are variances between them in intention, utterances and actions.
3. The best: Tamattu, then Ifrad, then Qiran.
4. For (Qiran): A female pilgrim needs it if she wants her Ihram as Mutamatt'eh and she couldn't accomplish her Umrah incase her menses comes as well as for the one who comes late and fears missing standing in Arafat;also, who is detained to enter the Holy House for any reason.
If you fear that anything may detain you from completing your rites due to sickness or regulation procedures, you can make your intention conditioned in state of Ihram by saying: "Allaahumma Mahallee Haithu Habastanee"which means: "O Allah my place is wherever you prevent me". But if you don't fear any thing, it is not permitted to make your intention conditioned. Its benefit is: If you are prevented by any obstacle, you are excused legally to terminate your Ihram and return and you are not charged with an expiation.
Then you start Talbiyah:
"Labbaika Allahumma, Labbaik, Labbaika laa shareeka laka labbaik. Innal-Hamda wanni'mata laka wal mulk La shareeka lak".
Which means: Here I am, O Allah, here I am, there is no partner for you, Here I am! Surely, all praise and blessings are for you and dominion is Yours. There is no partner for you.
A man raises his voice when saying it and a woman says it so that only one beside her may hear her).
Saying Talbiyah in groups are not permitted and each Muhrim makes Talbiyah alone and continues saying it till he/she reaches the Holy House.
The supplication: "Allahumma inni Urid-ul-Umrata fa yassirha li wataqabbalaha mini. Labbaika Allahuma labbaik, Labbaika la shareeka laka labbaik, Innal-Hamda wanni'mata laka wal mulk, La shareeka lak".
Which means: "O Allah, I intend to perform Umrah, so make it easy for me" Here I am for Umrah-here I am, oh Allah, here I am, there is no partner for you, there I am! Surely, all praise and blessings are for you, and dominion is yours. There is no partner for You. And "Allahumma inni as'aluka ridhaka wal-Jannata waa'udhu bika min sakhatika wan nar".
Which means: "O Allah! I beseech You grant me Your pleasure and Paradise, and I seek your protection from Your Wrath and Hell-Fire". Saying such specific supplications is not necessary but you can say what you like. Also, praying on the prophet (pbuh) is not mentioned in this place.
It is permissible on the way to glorify Allah "Allahu Akbar" whenever you mount a hill and praise Allah whenever you descend in a valley.Then you return to the General Talbiyah "Labbaika Allahumma labbaik"…etc. until you reach the Sacred House.
2- Go to the Holy Mosque for Tawaaf:
When you approach the Holy Mosque say: "Allahu Akbar".
Then cease Talbiyah and go to the Sacred House.
When you enter the Sacred mosque, place your right foot and say "Bismillah wasalat wasalam Ala Rasul Allah Allahuma Ighfir Li Dhunoobi waftah li Abwaba Rahmateka". Which means: "In the name of Allah. May peace and blessings be upon Rasoolullah, O, Allah! Forgive my sins and open for me the gates of Your mercy". Or: "Aoudhu Biwajhika Al Azeem Wa Sultanika Al-Qadeem min Al-Shaytanir rajeem". Which means: "I seek refuge in Allah the Al-mighty, and in His noble countenance and in His eternal power from Satan the Rejected".
Then head for the Hajr-Al-Aswad (the sacred Black Stone) to start Tawaaf (circling it). Touch it with your right hand and kiss it. If you can not kiss it, it is enough to touch it by your hand only. If you can't do so, touch it by a stick or another thing and don't kiss it. If it is not possible, make a sign towards it by your right hand without kissing it.
You had better not push Mutamereen (visitors of the Holy Mosque) and crowd to get it. Keep the Kaaba on you left side. In the meantime, you should drape the upper cloth (Ridaa) over the left shoulder and leave right shoulder exposed which is called in Arabic (Idtiba). And say whenever you reach the Black Stone: "Bismillahe wallahu Akbar". Or "Allahu Akbar" only. Which means: "In the name of Allah and Allah is the Greatest. " or" Allah is the Greatest".
Move quickly in the first three rounds (in case it is easy. You may not to do so with the crowd); walk normally in the other four. This is for Tawaaf-ul-qudoom only.Supplicate and say between the two Rukns (al-Rukn Al-Yamani and the Black Stone): "Rabbanaa atina fiddunyaa hassanatan wa fil akhirati hassanatan wa qinaa adhaban-naar wa adkhilnaal-jannata ma'al abrar, ya'Aziz ya Ghaffar ya Rabbal 'alamin". Which means: "Our Rabb! Grant us good in this world and hasanah in the Hereafter and protect us from the torment of the Fire.Each time you pass the Black Stone say: "Bismillah wallahu Akbar". Which means: "In the name of Allah, Allah is the Greatest". You can supplicate what you like during the rest of Tawaaf. Invoke to Allah or recite some verses of the Holy Quran…etc. There is no specific supplication for each round.
Having completed the seven rounds, go to Maqam Ibrahim (Ibrahim Station) and recite: "Wattakhidhu min maqami Ibraheem Musalla" Which means: "And take the station of Ibrahim as a place of worship" and perform two Rakats (units) behind the Maqam (close to it if possible or at any place in the mosque). Recite after "Sura al-Fatihah" "Sura al-Kafirun". (say, "O disbelievers", in the first Rakat (unit) and Surah "Al-Fatiha and "Sura al-Ikhlas": "He is Allah (who is) One" in the second Rakat (unit). (There is no harm if you recite other Surahs).
Go to Zamzam: Drink from it and praise Allah.
3- Proceed to As Safa for Sa'yi:
Ascend to As Safa hill until you face the Ka'bah and raise your hands and glorify Allah (three times) and say:"Laa ilaaha illaallahu wahdahu laa shareekalahu-lahul mulku wa lahul hamdu – wa huwa 'alaa kulli shai'in qadeer. Laa ilaaha illallahu wahdahu-anjaza wa'dahu wa nasara abdahu wa hazamal ahzaaba wahdahu". (three times). Which means: "there is no God but Allah, He has no partner, Sovereignty belongs to Him and praise too, He Fulfilled His promise, Helped His servant and routed the hosts, all Alone".
Then recite: "Inna as-safa wal-Marwata min sha'airillah faman Hajj-al-baita awi'tamara falajunahha 'alaihi an-yatawafa bihima, waman tatawwa'a khairan fainnallaha Shaakeran 'Alim." Which means: "Behold! Safa and Mahwah are among the symbols of Allah. Whoever visits the Sacred House for pilgrimage or Umrah should walk to or fro between them. And if anyone obeys his own impulse to good, be sure that Allah is He who recognizes and knows" 2: 159. This verse is to be read at the first round only. It is preferable to start with before any Dhikr, and you may supplicate to Allah the way you like in this place and raise your hands.
Then descend towards Marwah till you reach the green signpost. Then walk fast till you reach the next green signpost. Then walk fast till you reach the next green signpost saying: "Rabbighfir warham watajawaz ama ta'alam innaka antal a'azzul akram"Which means: "O Lord forgive and have mercy, verily you are the Most Mighty and Most Noble".Walk at a normal pace before and after them. (Walking fast is only for men) (women are not permitted to run). You may supplicate during Sa'yi what you please and there is no specific supplication for each round.When you reach Marwah, do the same as you did in Safa except for reciting the above mentioned Sura. It is to be read at the first round only. Repeat the lap seven times.(Going from As-Safa to Marwah is a lap and returning is another lap).
4- Shaving or Trimming:
Upon completion the hasten (Sa'yi), have your head shaved or trimmed but shaving is preferable. If your coming to Makkah is very near to Al-Hajj period, in this case trimming is preferable in order to shave your head in Hajj. (A woman can cut a finger –tip length of her hair).
Remove your Ihram and resume your normal life.
In this way, you have performed full Umrah; if you want it separate or you want it for Hajj, in case you are Mutamatte But If you are Mufrid for Hajj or Qarin, you intend Tawaf- ul-qudum- it is Sunna- and Sa'yi for Hajj – is a fundamental rite-; keep in state of Ihram and don't remove it. Don't shave or trim till the 8th of Dhul Hijjah to complete the rest of Hajj actions.